“Decide to be happy. If you suffer, suffer consciously, with hope in your heart; feel it as a challenge given to you, that wading about in your own sufferings-overdoing and exaggerating them-is not worthy of you.”
Below you will find a list of books by Arnaud Desjardins in the original French as well as English and Spanish translations. We have also included descriptions of Arnaud’s two books in English as well as a list of films that Arnaud produced when he was filmmaker, and where to order these. To purchase any of these, please click on the appropriate link.
Toward The Fullness Of Life
The Fullness of Love
This is a book for those of us who have not given up on the possibility of a successful love life. Arnaud teaches us that relationship requires the heart of a child joined with the maturity of an adult who is capable of understanding and acting. Some of the chapter titles include: The Union of the Sexes, Marriage, The Couple, and Be Happy.
Arnaud writes in the introduction, "My own experience - that of a man who has entered the secrets of hundreds of human hearts - has shown me that the profound frustration of my fellow man and woman, be it latent or manifest, springs primarily from failure in love and sex.
It is the simplicity of a successful life as a couple which, above all, makes for a successful life. But such success must be won. The talks which comprise this book can help the individual who wants to be happy. -Sex- implies the genital organs and the erotic zones, but it especially concerns a total human being - body, head and heart - a human being destined to receive, to give, and to transcend all dualities."
182 pages
To purchase a copy of Toward the Fullness of Life, please visit www.hohmpress.com
The Jump Into Life
Moving Beyond Fear
The subtitle of this book is "Moving Beyond Fear", and that is exactly what The Jump Into Life is about. Filled with teaching that represents the deepest truths of tantrayana, and at the same time is simple and practical, this is truly a book for anyone interested in spiritual life. Some of the chapter titles are: Structuring An Inner Life, The Relief of Suffering, The Positive Approach, and Happiness, Gratitude and Love.
Dr. Richard Moss writes in the forward, "As one reads the Jump Into Life, the fineness of the author breathes between the words like a sure but gentle nectar. One senses a prayer of compassion for the real suffering of life, and gratitude for the wonder of life. There is love in these words and precious and timeless wisdom. In the West in particular, there are few whom we can call spiritual elders, especially those who have taken the unique point of view and wisdom of the East and embodied it authentically and relevantly in a Western life and teaching. Arnaud Desjardins is such a person."
216 pages
To purchase a copy of The Jump Into Life, please visit www.hohmpress.com
Books in French
Arnaud has written over twenty books which are published in French. To learn more about or to purchase any of these books, please visit www.amazon.ca in Canada or www.amazon.fr in France.
Books in Spanish
There are eight books written by Arnaud which have been translated into Spanish. Four of these books are available through Hara Press: El Camino del Corazón, Una vida feliz, un amor feliz, Regreso a lo esencial, and Bienvenidos en el Camino. To read about or to purchase these books, please visit www.harapress.com. The four other books are La Audacia de Vivir (Ediciones La LLave), Para morir sin miedo (Editorial Sirio), Miradas sabias (Ibersaf Editores) and Zen y Vedanta (Olaneta).
Films by Arnaud Desjardins
Arnaud produced many documentary films during his career as a filmmaker. These films are entitled as follows and can be ordered through Alizé Diffusion at www.films-arnaud-desjardins.com:
The Message of the Tibetans, Volumes I and II
The Sufis of Afganistan, Volumes I and II
Zen, Volumes I and II
Himalaya, Volumes I and II